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How many kinds of brazing rods?

2017/03/30 Share with:

According to silver content, we can divide brazing rod into three:
1) No Silver brazing alloy
There are phos copper welding rod, like BCUP-2, brass (copper zinc) brazing alloys, like HS211, different type depending on different materials welding.
2)Low Silver brazing alloy
2% silver brazing alloy, 5% silver brazing alloy are most common brazing alloy used.
3)High Silver brazing alloy
High silver brazing alloy also have three series, silver copper zinc brazing alloys, silver copper zinc tin brazing alloys, silver copper zinc cd brazing alloys.

All of the series mentioned above can be manufactured into rod, flat, square, strip, solder ring etc. welcome to contact Qixing Welding Materials for more information about these products.

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